Learning Never Sits Still

If you’re looking for ways to boost your students’ acquisition of English, don’t forget the power of movement!

Movement in the English Language Learner classroom is essential for student success. It helps children to develop language skills, foster a connection with English, and provides learners with memorable experiences.

Studies show that movement increases English language recall and understanding, allowing children to acquire English more quickly and efficiently. For English language learners, movement provides an opportunity to practice English in a real-world setting, making learning fun and engaging. Movement helps break language barriers and can even help students to express themselves more confidently while using gestures, facial expressions, and body language.

In addition to English language learning, movement can be used to help children develop social skills. Through movement activities, bilingual-emergent students can engage with their English speaking classmates to foster a sense of belonging and community within the classroom and beyond. By encouraging movement throughout the school day, English learners gain valuable language skills, develop strong relationships with their peers, and with the right tools and strategies, achieve success.

GrapeSEED capitalizes on the power of movement through our ‘Action Activities’,found in every single lesson!

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