Administration for Success

The School Site provides a place to manage GrapeSEED information including class unit plans and student lists. Administrators and teachers can also maintain all their information while supporting their students’ families, engage in on-going teacher training, and get administrator support from GrapeSEED.

Analyze Your GrapeSEED Information

The Report Site gives school administrators detailed information about their schools and classes. Administrators can analyze student usage and monitor unit progression.

Distance and Hybrid Learning Support

GrapeSEED is committed to providing the flexibility schools and teachers need in an ever-changing educational world. Whether lessons are provided in-person, online, or a combination of both, GrapeSEED provides an engaging oral language solution to meet educators’ needs.

High Quality Content

Meticulously designed for visual appeal and meaningful comprehensible input, the GrapeSEED materials are developmentally appropriate and designed with children in mind.

Meticulously designed by professionals for beauty and effectiveness, our official GrapeSEED material is the crux of our program.

the GrapeSEED Curriculum

GrapeSEED's Professional Learning Specialists partner with administrators to provide an overview of GrapeSEED's best practices and communicate to ensure successful outcomes. In addition, administrators have access to a comprehensive video library and on-demand online courses on effective GrapeSEED instructional strategies.

Experience What Your Students Experience

Administrators have access to the Student App so that they can experience GrapeSEED themselves and know how best to support students and families on their GrapeSEED journey.