In the Good Old Summertime! Keep Your Students and Families Learning

Ah, summertime! There’s no doubt, the carefree weeks of summer are an essential time for children to play, unwind and recharge before the beginning of the next school year. As we all know, the downside is that some of the learning and skills they’ve acquired from the prior year can slip away during this cherished time. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent students from having a “summer slide” while still being able to just be kids.

Here are some fun and easy ideas that you can suggest to your students’ families for keeping their skills sharp and minds engaged during the summer break!

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Keep Moving!

In the words of Albert Einstein, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."

This time of year in the classroom can definitely make us feel like we’re losing our balance, can’t it? In schools, the end of April often feels like ‘the beginning of the end’. Our students are beginning to feel the warm, sunny days beckoning to them and might be overhearing their parents and families beginning to plan for summer childcare or a trip out of town. At the same time, teachers are beginning to feel the burden of end of the school year paperwork and might be overhearing chatter about next year’s placements and so forth. As we approach the ‘beginning of the end’ of the school year, students and teachers alike could be feeling a mix of emotions that can affect everyone’s behavior and interest in the classroom. Does this sound familiar to you? If so, we're here to help! Check out these quick tips that will surely guide you toward keeping your balance and finishing strong & joyfully for your students.

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Natural Language Acquisition---What’s the Buzz About?

There’s just no doubt about it, teachers of multilingual learner children want nothing but the very best for their students. And while one curriculum always seems to be working to “one-up” the other, the natural language acquisition approach always seems to come out on top! Why? Because this preferred method encourages newcomer students to learn English like they learned their heritage language—through immersion, play, and discovery.

Let’s take a closer look at why teachers are all talking about the natural approach, and what we mean by ‘natural English language acquisition’:

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GrapeSEED: A Teacher Testimonial

As an ELL educator, one of the greatest struggles I’ve had over the years is finding a comprehensive program that can support effective English language acquisition for my emergent bilingual Pre-K, kindergarten, and first-grade students who are acquiring English. Without the proper resources, the journey to better English proficiency was tedious, challenging, and overwhelming. As a teacher who has experienced this hardship firsthand, I can assure you that the GrapeSEED English program is making a massive difference in the lives of my students. The curriculum, which includes repetitive opportunities for movement, songs, chants, poems, and stories, is enriching and I have seen significant growth in my students since beginning to use the program! I only wish it had been around when I was a small child, new to the United States!

Before GrapeSEED, I had a hard time providing my students with a curriculum that could support and boost their English. I did my best to find resources and materials to work with, but it was never enough. I found it difficult to provide research-based instruction that my students needed and that was engaging and developmentally appropriate at the same time. GrapeSEED has changed the game, making it easier to create a positive, constructive learning environment for my kids. We have found that it also accommodates all types of learners, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, too!

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Celebrating Global Diversity: Let’s Incorporate Cultures into March is Reading Month

If you’re an elementary school staff member, you know March isn’t just any old month! It is the National Reading Month observed across America annually to inspire young readers and celebrate the joys of reading. This month-long celebration began as a way to spread the love of reading among children and encourage them to pick up books, both for pleasure and learning. However, with each passing year, educators and literary enthusiasts have realized the significance of incorporating global diversity into the Reading Month celebrations.

In our increasingly globalized world, it has become essential to expose young learners to different cultures and traditions for a positive impact. Observing global diversity in ‘March is Reading Month’ can be an exciting way to introduce children to the world's multiculturalism through literature. So, let's explore some fun and engaging ideas to add global perspectives to your reading month celebrations.

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